Marvel’s Moon Knight isn’t lacking behind it’s content and surely isn’t letting the viewers bore out. And honestly so far we can’t get enough and it contains too much story for its own good. So throughout the first three episodes we can understand that a mentally unstable ex-mercernary with a twisted past estranged from his wife Layla whom he has been lying for years.

So at first we see Steven a British man who works in a musuem and inside him is at least one identity that communicates with each other through reflections of themselves from any shiny self reflecting objects or things.
We’ve also been told that Marc Spector who’s inside Steven is in fact the earthly avatar of the moon god Khonshu. We’ve also met the possible villain Arthur Harrow of this miniseries who was an ex avatar of Khonshu is now a cult leader of Goddess Ammit. As he believes in the format of punishing the to be sinners earlier than letting them misbehave in other words second chance is a big no according to the beliefs.
Episode 4 Review: The Tomb
As the episode 3 of Moon Knight ends with Khonshu being imprisoned for altering with moon again to find the way to Ammits tomb leading to Marc/Steven loosing the power. Now back to Episode 4 o9f Moon Knight, we can see Layla and Steven on the quest to Amits Tomb and the eventually find it. Marc on the other side is angry at Steven for hitting on his wife and telling the truth on how he has been distancing himself to protect her from Khonshu as she’s the next target (avatar) for him.
And within minutes Steven kisses Layla when they caught up in the moment. They reach inside the canal where the tomb is preserved inside only to find out it’s a maze, a maze shaped like Eye of Horus, the royal symbol of the protection in the Afterlife.
They later realise Ammit’s final avatar was a pharaoh. They get closer and they notice fresh bloods and bones littered across the floor of the corridor. Steven climbs onto the platform. Surveilling the area, Steven finds more freshly filled canopic jars and snakeskin grafted onto a skeletal hand.
As they quietly hide after hearing a clicking sound, a heka priest drags one of the injured Harrows disciple. Both Steven and Layla are terrified and while trying to escape they both part ways. Layla was too close to be captured by the heka. She fights for her life only to be watched by Harrow while he confronts the truth behind her father’s death on how Marc was there and within seconds he blames the death on Marc breaking Layla as she herself was looking for a closure.
Steven finds himself in a tomb fit for a pharaoh where a golden sarcophagus lies in the center of the chamber surrounded by a pool of water. As he reaches out to Alexander the Great tomb he opens the Golden Sarcophagus, Stevens quick thinking and his great knowledge on the Egyptian history helped him remind that
Alexander was the voice of Ammit, then Ammit’s ushabti would have been concealed in Mr. Great’s throat away from the average looters’ discovery. Removing the bandages, Steven searches behind the mummy’s throat. As he pulls his arm free of Alexander’s mummified remains, Steven discovers the prized ushabti of Ammit.
Layla enters the scene all fired up to find out was Marc the murderer of her father. Steven summons back Marc and he says he surely isn’t the murderer but when she asked was he present there unfortunately he was there. He tells Layla his partner got greedy and executed everyone at the dig site; Marc wasn’t able to save her father. His partner shot him as well, and he would have died that night like her father, if he hadn’t made a deal with Khonshu.
Incredulous, Layla realizes this was the reason they met; Marc just had a guilty conscience. Harrow comes in with his disciples all armed with rifles but they only find Marc as Layla hides. He politely asks him to return the ushabti but Marc starts attacking them soon enough Harrow shoots in the heart sadly all being witnessed by Layla.
Marc’s lifeless body falls in a pool of water in the chamber. He later wakes up in a pure white room, Layla beside him. He still was is in great shock and is trying hard to focus back to the current happenings that’s when his blur vision starts getting a little sharper he notices few familiar objects like Harrow’s cane, a portrait of an Alpine village, and a statue of an alligator-like figure, Marc mumbles that it all reminds him of something.
Suddenly, Marc remembers — you shot me. He tries escaping and when he reaches a room to hide out he notices the tomb which was shaking from the inside and when he opens it Steven comes out grasping for air. They both hug it out and continues to escape when they open the door another deity emerges Taweret. Both yelling out loud and that’s the end of the episode fourth episode of Moon Knight.
Edited By: Kiran Maharana
Published By: Akshaj Joshi