So the finale is here!!! It was already mentioned that Moon Knight will be a limited series but fans can’t get enough. The finale episode was so upstanding and precocious that every bit of line was mind blowing and hooray to another female superhero portrayed through our so far sweetheart yet badass woman Layla El-Faouly who steals the spotlight when she temporarily agrees to be the avatar of Goddess Taweret who has been a great help to both Marc and Steven.
After watching Episode 5 fans were emotionally heft seeing Steven Grant go down in the sands and Marc Spector entering the realm of peace. So, episode 6 starts with Marc in Field of Reeds where he starts feeling quiet and peace entering Goddess Taweret mentioning how this is what Marc has always wanted in his life but Marc was reluctant thinking it’s wrong of him to enjoy this without Steven as he deserves it as well. So Marc runs back to the sandy area to see Steven as a rock. He goes to him and shares how he has felt so far by handing the white stoned heart to each of the palms and soon enough he starts turning into a stone as well. Later a gate opens where both of them turn back alive and hug each other – Steven gratefully seeing Marc returned for him. They both start to run towards the door.
Now while all this was happening we can see Layla watching all these and Harrow taking Ammits ushabti. After they leave to retrieve Ammit, Layla runs to Marc/Stevens body which was lying on the water and cries. With a vengeful eyes she goes behind them to take revenge. Harrow now being more powerful to “heal the world” he attacks a few soldiers on the way and when Layla goes to kill him she hears Tawerets voice coming from one of the fallen guards confusing her even more. Taweret tells Layla to find and break Khonshu’s ushabti to set him free so that Marc/Steven can be saved and come back alive. She follows those instructions only to see Khonshu offering her the position to be his avatar instead of saving Marc/Steven.
At the same time in the chamber of God’s rest of the avatars get attacked by Harrow and finally the villain of the show is now released– Goddess Ammit. After a disagreement between Ammit and Harrow on behalf of the scale Ammit agrees to keep Harrow as her avatar. Chaos happens all around with Ammit getting more powerful, Khonshu himself trying to stop Ammit but failing again and again.
Later Marc/Steven wakes up and Khonshu comes there when he gets the hint that he’s back alive. But this time instead of following up to whatever Khonshu was putting forth to them they started to bargain. Both of them want Khonshu to set them free once all this gets over and he agrees to it. While this was happening Layla was told that they need more avatars to imprison Ammit back so in a temporary account she agrees to be Tawerets avatar and becomes the Scarlet Scarab. And Oh My God was that EPIC!.

Both Marc/Steven reunite with Layla fighting Harrow, finally putting an end to everything and holding Harrow down. With Khonshu and Taweret no longer in control of Marc and Layla’s respective bodies, Khonshu tells Marc to finish it and end Harrow and Ammit, leaving neither of them alive. While he lives, so too does she. Marc believes he has to do this; otherwise, he’ll never be free. Layla stops him, reminding him that he is free, and that he has a choice. Believing that Khonshu now sounds exactly like Ammit, Marc lets go of Harrow. If Khonshu wants them dead, he’ll have to do it himself. Now, Khonshu must release Marc and Steven. Khonshu begrudgingly complies and leaves.
Ending Explained:
Steven is back in the white void with Dr. Harrow and they both question Harrow whether all that had happened was real for which he responds no. But when they look down they notice a trail of bloody footprints which leaves Harrow perplexed. Realising Harrow doesn’t know as much as he claims. Marc and Steven both refuse the diagnosis and leave. Marc suddenly wakes up in
Steven’s apartment flat. His leg shackled by his homemade restraints, the sand around the bed is undisturbed. Marc calls out to Steven out loud if he’s there, to which Steven responds that he can’t believe it worked. Marc, however, can’t believe Steven lives with this freakin’ mess.
Now in an asylum we can see Harrow being a patient there. Soon enough a gloved man approaches and takes away Harrow in a wheelchair only to notice that he has passed his room and confusing Harrow on what was happening. This man takes him outside where a white limo was there and puts Harrow inside. Harrow sees Khonshu and mocks that he can’t do anything but surprisingly he can. Khonshu introduces Jack Lockely who is the third persona of Marc to Harrow. Jack says “today is your turn to lose” in Spanish and shoots him inside the limo.
Published by: Aditya Negi
Edited by: Khushi Thakur