Moral: The spider is a renowned tale of a man and a buddha is quite famous and still the real meaning has not yet been comprehended by many, the majority of people. It represents the good, the bad, the wicked, and the ugly deeds of a man. How only one good deed that he did pays him off with a good opportunity to get redeemed. But because of their cunning and destructive mind, he fails on that as well. The small details like the spider killing were avoided so he was blessed to climb the spider web. The concept of laser focus and 101 distractions. To read the story follow the following passages.
The moral of this tale is something that cannot be comprehended by normal reading or regular story decoding types. This story has multiple layers over layers. So, we might need pauses or ponder a bit to read, read between the lines. To read the story in a short and crisp, click here.

Image source – pixabay
Summary of Moral: the spider
Firstly: The beginning of the story is very interesting. The man is working hard to survive and pass the life in hell. So, he does desire to get out of that loop. Also, he is frustrated by the monotony and slavery in hell. The scene is ugly, and the environment is gloomy. All are sad and tired and burned. Which results in frustration. As a result, the desire that the people of the place have also the frustration part as well.
We all know that desire and frustration are 2 very basic components of “The motivation “. The will to get out is also very strong because of the fact that heaven is tempting, which also emanates the aversion for hell.
It can be easily seen as the will to come out of that is very much on fire. So, any opportunity they would see, they would give their best to the full.

Image source – new scientist
Secondly: the second chance that the buddha gives to the man who is suffering. The man did many heinous and barbarous acts at the time when he was on earth. But when he was walking down the forest, he didn’t kill a spider who was lying there injured. So out of this good work the buddha gives him the 2nd chance. Where the only way to come out was climb up and walk to the heaven.
And the way was climbing the spider web up.
Thirdly, the spider web has been metaphorized as a ladder to reach up to the heaven. Climbing a very long ladder, step by step. The web acts as a flight of stairs, but in reality, it is a spider web only. It is delicate and not steady. It would require effort and a great deal of endeavor.

Image source – national aubon society.
Fourth, it was that with help of focus, focus of Hawk and hard work like the turtle in the race with rabbit. These two could easily overcome the time monotony and work arduousness. No matter how hard the task is our dedication and laser focus are the biggest tools and resources we have.
Fifth, distractions – on the way of our journey we do face many hurdles and obstacles. Irrespective of the power of focus one has, hurdles do the harm. We must grapple with them as per our own wits and creativity. In the tale, the man gets good speed and determination in the beginning. The journey was long, so he does take a break and realizes that he has reached half way.
He does feel bliss but the very next minute the delight gets de lightened. When he observes that other creatures also started climbing the spider web. Out of jealousy and anger he does try to kick them off. Because of the thought that it is his, and only his web. He forgets about getting there and loses the focus.
Last but not the least, the buddha cuts off the spider web and the man lose the second chance, the last chance. So always keep in mind that we all have resources, for some particular period of time. So, use judiciously and strategically.
In conclusion, Moral: the spider teaches us before jumping to actions take pause and think wisely. and be consistent no matter whatever happens.