Multnomah, Oregon County initiated a lawsuit on Thursday against the Fossil fuel companies and American Petroleum Institute and other trade groups, in which it seeks $50 million for the actual damages by holding it responsible for the June 2021 heat waves and rocketing the temperatures up to 116 degrees in the country.
About the case/Case history:
Oregon county v. Fossil fuel companies:
On Thursday Oregon County filed a lawsuit in the state court in Portland against the fossil fuel Companies and trade groups like American Petroleum Institute seeking 50 million$ for actual damages and$1.5 billion for future damages and $50 billion to “weatherproof” the country against extreme heat.
Oregon county’s arguments:
Intentionally deceived the public:
The Oregon County stated that the fossil fuel and other trade groups have intentionally deceived the public by concealing the dangers of burning their products for decades which have played the major role in climate change.
Must pay for the past and future:
It said that the companies and trade groups must fulfil their liability by compensating for the past damages caused by them including a 2021 heat wave in the Pacific Northwest which killed 69 people on that year and the main reason for the increase of temperature was burning their products.
Companies not acknowledging the danger:
Instead of accepting their mistake and acknowledging the dangers of the climate change the fossil companies and other trade groups works to determine the scientific consensus around the problem by naming them with fabricated doubt, and a well-funded, sustained public relations campaign to promote their spin.
McKinsey’s consulting firm is also targeted:
The law suit also mentions the brain behind these companies and trade groups. McKinsey is one such consulting firms which advises the major oil companies, including on strategies to downplay or deny the link between greenhouse gas emissions and extreme weather.
Opponents’ comments on this lawsuit:
Chevron’s Attorney said in a statement that lawsuits such as the one filed on Thursday are “counterproductive” and it will distract from advancing to the effective policy solutions and added that their claim are “Baseless” and barred by the U.S. Constitution.
American Petroleum Institute’s spokesperson called the lawsuit as “meritless” and said thst the state is wasting it’s taxpayers money.
Mckinsey did not immediately respond to the allegations laid on him.
Opponent’s stand on this issue:
The American Petroleum Institute and other oil companies have said that the policies to address climate change should come from Federal Executive branch and not from patchwork of decisions via the Court cases across U.S.
Piling up of lawsuits against the fossil industries:
Already there are numerous lawsuits filed in the recent years against the fossil fuel industries by the municipalities and states across the U.S. stating that they are the reason for climate impacts including extreme weather.
Impact of 2021 heatwave:
There was a severe impact of 2021 heat wave where the temperature rose to 116 degree and as a result 69 people died as a result of the heat wave.
County started to experience the climate related harms:
The County said that it has already started to experience the climate related harms similar to the 2021 heatwave.
Since the area normally has mild weather, the lawsuit said the residents were not having enough equipment to protect themselves from the scorching heat.
It concluded by stating that the heatwave, and other extreme weather events like wildfires are a “direct and forseeable consequence” caused by the fossil fuel industries.
Long way to go:
These types of cases are previously handled by the US courts. County has kickstarted it’s journey now. There is a long journey for county to reach it’s destination. Let’s hope that the deserving party gets the win.