Search Results: Ukraine (2415)

Researchers claim that ancient teeth reveal the origins of the Black Death.

Researchers believe they have  discovered the origins of the Black Death, which  killed tens of millions in Europe, Asia, and North Africa more than 600 years ago. Africa more than 600 years ago. One of the most significant disease  episodes in human history occurred in the mid-14th century. Despite years of research, scientists were unable to pinpoint the origin of the  bubonic plague. According to new evidence, it happened in Kyrgyzstan, central Asia, in the 1330s. 675 Years Later… This Is the Answer  to the Mystery of the Black Death’s  Origin. According to estimates, it killed up to 60% of Europe, the Middle East, and  Africa’s population in just eight years, from 1346 to 1353. It may sound like a mode headline, but scientists have spent centuries trying to figure out what caused the Black Death, which …