Search Results: nasa (492)

Hubble Records Seasons Changing on Jupiter - Asiana Times

The planets orbiting the Sun beyond Mars are not rocky, solid worlds that affect the weather on those planets like the way they do here on Earth. The sunlight reaching those planets affects the circulation of the atmosphere much less. But still, those planets’ weather and climatic conditions are always changing and the Hubble Space Telescope as an Interplanetary Metrologist is recording and transmitting the data back to the Earth giving us information about those planets’ weather. 

Icy Satellites or call them icy rocks, that orbit around Jupiter and Saturn have made scientists curious and perplexed due to their difference in features from the rocky worlds and the ice here on Earth. Their unique radar signatures have sparked questions in the brains of scientists regarding the composition of those icy satellites.

LIFE on Earth may be Seeded by Asteroids-An Intriguing fact 2024 - Asiana Times

Scientists have found evidence before from asteroids and meteorites that crashed on the Earth having evidence of Life. But, they were not sure whether the chemicals indicating the presence of Microbial life in those asteroids and meteorites were from space or contaminated by the earth because of the crash.