Search Results: climate change (1019)

Climate change mitigation is greatly aided by grazing animals

Climate change mitigation is greatly aided by grazing animals as it affects the amount and stability of a sizable soil carbon store, “grazing by mammalian herbivores can be a climate mitigation technique,” the paper explains. In graze-free regions, soil carbon levels varied by 30–40%. While it was more stable where the huge beasts continued to graze. Large mammalian herbivore conservation in grazing habitats is still important because soil stores more carbon than all plants and the air combined.

Climate Change: How is it altering the world?

The world is failing to keep up with the catastrophe that climate change has transpired. Floods, droughts, heatwaves, cyclones, wildfires and erratic rainfall have posed a grave threat and the situation is more alarming than ever.

Mission Life to give life to Climate Change

The Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi, unveiled Mission LiFE at the 2021 UN Climate Change Conference (UNFCCC COP26) to put people’s actions at the centre of the global climate action narrative.