Sunday (August 21) will go down as a landmark day in Singapore’s history. This country decided to cancel the very old law. The Prime Minister of Singapore, Lee Hsien Loong, made this big announcement in his annual policy address. Prime Minister Lee said, “Section 377 A of the colonial-era Penal Code has been removed. Now most Singaporeans will accept this. So, the government felt it was a very right step.”
Keyword:- Homosexuality, Singapore, 377 section A.
Highlights:- • Singapore repeal the 377 section.
• Homosexuality is not prohibited in Singapore anymore.
• On television the prime minister of Singapore announced this.
Until recently, homosexuality was considered a crime in the island nation. Prime Minister Lee also said, “Repealing Section A of 377 will bring the law into line with current social norms. I hope gay Singaporeans will find some relief.”
What is Section 377(A)
Section 377(A) outlawed homosexuality between men in Singapore, which was once under British rule. Even after independence in 1965, no changes were made to this law keeping in mind the ancient culture and values of the country. But for the past few years, same-sex couples have been seen openly in various parts of the country. They were also seen marching with rainbow-coloured flags as a symbol of the gay movement. A nightclub for gay male couples was also recently opened.
Human rights organizations were increasing pressure on the government to ban anti-gay laws in the changing circumstances. Finally, the government of that country gave official protection to male homosexuality.
After the announcement on Sunday, Singapore’s prime minister said, “Hopefully this time gays will be better accepted in society.” But at the same time, he said, in the case of marriage, same-sex marriage will not get the same legal validity as a marriage between a woman and a man.
Section A of 377 was adopted in the city-state in 1938 from a similar Act of the Indian Penal Code. Homosexuality was decriminalized in India in October 2018. This time, this law of the British period was also lifted in Singapore. However, the fight for gay rights activists will not be over. Because they say the war is only half won. Because, of not allowing same-sex marriage, they fear that same-sex couples can be a big obstacle to a normal life.