“Smoking has been shown to have a negative impact on sight, particularly in the emergence of cataracts and age-related macular degeneration (AMD).” According to RNIB
“Cigarette smoking is injurious to one’s health.” This slogan is printed on every cigarette pack.
Even smokers read them, yet they choose to ignore this warning. We all do. Why? due to the fact that they have become addicted to smoking and do not wish to stop. They are also aware that smoking has negative health effects in addition to contributing to pollution.
In addition to heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis, it is a major contributor to lung cancer and other illnesses like these.

Tobacco contains nicotine, a highly addictive substance. Nicotine, a toxin, is released into the body when a cigarette is burned and inhaled.
It is a narcotic that increases pleasure, and people can easily become addicted to it. When you take this medication, your body stops growing and develops a number of ailments.
“Smoking raises your risk of having significant eye diseases and permanent sight loss,” stated Jude Stern, Head of Knowledge at the IAPB. Giving up smoking and getting regular eye exams can improve and avoid eye disease.
Increase Risk of Sight Loss
A team from Newcastle University, the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (IAPB), and the World Health Organization led the study.

Smoking is a proven health risk in its first, second, and third-hand forms. But it can also raise someone’s risk of going blind, in addition to their risk of dying young. Numerous research and health organisations are urging smokers to give up so they can save their sight.
Additionally, smoking increases the risk of getting cataracts, which are difficult to treat and can only be removed surgically.
The WHO stated on their website that untreated cataracts cause blindness or moderate to severe distant vision impairment in about 94 million people around the world.
What is a Cataract?
A cataract is a clouding of the eye’s normally clear lens. Cataracts cause sight loss because the clouding restricts light from reaching the retina through the lens.
The majority of cataracts form gradually over many years, and as you age, your chance of acquiring cataracts increases. You run a higher risk of developing cataracts if you smoke.
Initial cataract symptoms might not be noticeable. However, as cataracts progress, they may impair your vision.

Smoking Leads to Sight Loss
The chemicals and toxins that are created are the only concerns. It will eventually cause harm if the body experiences a prolonged period of exposure to dangerous chemicals.
Smoking spreads toxins throughout the body, which means it can also get to the tissue beneath the eyes and the exposed eyes.
According to the Royal National Institute of the Blind (RNIB) “The tissues of the eye suffer damage from smoking. Smoking has been shown to have negative impacts on sight, particularly in the emergence of cataracts and age-related macular degeneration (AMD).”
They continued: “Smokers are twice as likely as non-smokers to acquire AMD, and they develop it sooner. There are few choices for treating AMD. Quitting smoking can lower your risk of developing macular degeneration.”
Sight Loss Symptoms
The most common symptoms of age-related macular degeneration are central vision loss or impaired or distorted vision.
According to the NHS, further symptoms include hallucinations, items being smaller than usual, colors seeming less vibrant than usual, and straight lines appearing wavy or crooked.
It can be found during a routine eye exam and the condition itself is not uncomfortable.
What is E-cigarette

E-cigarettes are known to be less harmful than conventional forms of smoking, yet they still have certain negative health effects.
The WHO warned that the flavors in e-cigarettes “may boost the creation of free radicals, which damage DNA and may result in cataracts.”
E-cigarette usage has been linked to an increased risk of eye cancer, altered retinal function, and reduced blood supply to the eyes.
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