ToHands smart calculator helps small businesses to carry out calculations and to maintain its data, can be connected to wifi and is backed up with an app.

This Hyderabad-based startup ‘ToHands’ has designed smart calculators to ease out daily shopkeepers’ daily activity and is also now ready to take preorders of these smart calculators.
The shopkeepers in India are still highly dependent on calculators and nothing can replace them. For each calculation, they have this handy thing ready along with a pen and paper to keep track of over a period. At the end of the period, they sum up all incomes and expenses to get the final amount. They are backed up with limited resources to get fancy billing machines so in this case, intelligent calculators would really be of much help.
Co-founder of ToHands, Praveen Mishra,21 came up with this innovation after a year-long observance and survey. Along with Mishra, Satyam Sahu, Shanmuga Vadivel and Arvind Subramanian are a team of entrepreneurs since 2017. Satyam Sahu looks after the software and app development, Shanmuga looks after hardware, and Mishra looks after product-related things.
This startup has raised Rs 50 lakhs from STartup India Seed and T-hub.
Mishra came up with the first version of the smart calculator, a Raspberry Pi-powered device that had a keyboard and two buttons one for credit and one for debit. When this device was a trial with some shopkeepers they were able to get seven pre-orders. The second version was soon in making that had a calculation function with credit and debit buttons on the small screen and the device ran on a membrane keyboard.

The current version has an alphanumeric keyboard, and 16 MB in-built memory, that can store five lakh transactions and saves data even if not connected to wifi. A mobile app being a part of the package helps users get data from the past three months and can easily download a few reports.
“Calculators have a basic use but we can also do a lot of things on the top of the calculation part, which is where we think the smart calculator will be a really good tool for the shopkeepers,” said Mishra in an interview with Indian Express.
Device was launched by IT Secretary, Jayesh Ranjan on Monday “Tohands Smart Calculator is a simple calculator but has the potential of doing the basic accounting with which a small trader or an SME company owner will be at ease. Also from a pricing point, it is very competitive. But what is heartening is that everything in that device is designed and manufactured in India, very unusual for a hardware product”