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Suicide is the fourth leading cause of death among 15-29-year-olds. Hopeless, despairing negative views about oneself are some marks of depression. Many people suffering from this disorder seek a drastic solution
World Menopause Month 2022. Being a woman and adoring every aspect of it is the beauty of being a woman.…
The ability to read and write is one of the amazing abilities we possess. To be able to comprehend what…
According to psychology and life facts, Things change people change, friends or foes. Only thing that remains with you or the one you could command is how you treat yourself and others. How you make yourself feel when you are alone. You feel inferior or in power? Do you know yourself well enough? How much self-aware you are? Read this article on this topic to get enlighten.
A Month of Many Awareness Programs Humanity desires a humanitarian attempt to save it. Any awareness program lends itself to…
A study found that over a thousand different species of palm trees are in danger of going extinct. Artificial intelligence…
According to media reports, Pakistan’s Defence Minister Khawaja Asif stated on Saturday that in addition to gas, Russia has offered to provide Pakistan with wheat in the wake of catastrophic floods and in anticipation of a possible food shortage.
The European Union has agreed to provide around 500 million as military aid to Ukraine in the ongoing Ukraine-Russia crisis.…
Russia seeks Indian drug imports After stringent sanctions and logistic logjams following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Russia is seeking…
In the month of August earlier this year, as the last of the American forces deployed in Afghanistan finally began…
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