Perks of Reading Books: Reading helps to develop your brain.
A rising collection of studies demonstrates that reading literally transforms your thinking.
Researchers used MRI images to confirm Trusted Source that reading includes a complex network of circuits and impulses in the brain. These networks get stronger and more sophisticated as your reading skill grows. Increases your ability to empathize
Speaking of experiencing pain, research has revealed that people who read literary fiction — works that examine characters’ inner lives — have a greater ability to grasp the sentiments and beliefs of others.
This capacity is referred to by researchers as the “theory of mind,” a collection of talents required for developing, negotiating and maintaining social connections.
Set you up for a good night’s sleep
The Mayo Clinic recommends reading as part of a normal sleep pattern.
For the greatest results, consider a print book over reading on a screen, as the light generated by your gadget may keep you awake and have other negative health effects.
If you have difficulties going asleep, doctors advise you to read somewhere other than your bedroom.
Helps avert age-related mental decline
Before the computer age, practically everyone who wanted to learn adopted the daily reading practice. The advantages of reading did not need to be emphasized all the time.
We have become so consumed with social media and the internet, among other things, that few people consider reading books. Some people are too busy to read, while others simply do not want to read.
Reading has several advantages, ranging from making you smarter to improving your reading and writing abilities. If you’re curious about the advantages of building a reading habit, we’ve compiled a list of the top ten advantages. The National Institute on Aging is a federally funded research organization. Trusted Source suggests reading books and publications to keep your mind active as you become older.
Although research has not completely established that reading books prevent illnesses such as Alzheimer’s, studies have shown that seniors who read and do arithmetic problems everyday preserve and increase their cognitive performance.
Perks of Reading Books: Lowers stress
A group of researchers in the United States investigated the impact of yoga, comedy, and reading on the stress levels of students in demanding health science programs in 2009.
The researchers discovered that 30 minutes of reading reduced blood pressure, heart rate, and feelings of psychological discomfort exactly as efficiently as yoga and comedy.
That is why the United Kingdom’s National Health Service has launched Reading Well, a Books on Prescription initiative in which medical specialists recommend self-help books selected expressly for certain ailments.
What should you be reading?
So, what exactly should you be reading? In a nutshell, anything you can get your hands on.
There was a time when isolated areas had to rely on librarians riding over the mountains with books in saddlebags. But that is no longer the case. Almost everyone has access to massive libraries stored in cellphones and tablets.
If you’re short on time, dedicate a few minutes each day to a specialty blog. If you want to get away from your everyday life, fantasy or historical literature may take you to another planet entirely.
If you’re on a fast track in your career, read nonfiction advice from someone who’s been there. Consider it a mentoring that you may pick up and put down as needed. One thing to note: Don’t read solely on a device. Flip through print books, too.
People who read print books do better on comprehension tests and recall more of what they read than those who read the same content in digital form, according to several studies.
This might be because individuals read print more slowly than they consume digital stuff.