World Suicide Prevention Day (WSPD) is globally celebrated on 10th September to emphasize the fact that people are not alone as they feel and should seek help as and when needed. World Suicide Prevention Day 2022
It intends to minimize the stigma of derailing mental health. Most people feel the discomfort of seeking help when it concerns their mental ailments. But to this day, mental healthcare professionals provide detailed insights into what, how, and when can be done to prevent such actions.
World Suicide Prevention Day 2022 Insights
Suicide is an act of intentionally causing one’s own death. According to a WHO report, around 703,000 people take their own lives and several others attempt suicide. As per research, it is not only people from high-income countries or backgrounds who commit or even attempt it but from every region of the world. It is one of the leading causes of death worldwide and the easiest way of escaping reality. The rates vary with age, race/ethnicity, and multiple other factors. Suicide generally is most common among those over the age of 70; however, in certain countries, aged 15 to 30 years are at the highest risk. In India itself, we hold 11.3% of suicide rates as per the government survey of 2020.World Suicide Prevention Day 2022 is important.
Key factors causing Suicide:
- Depression
- Exposure to violence be it physical or verbal
- Exposure to suicidal behaviors directly or indirectly either through family, peers, celebrities, colleagues, etc.
- Any other mental illness
- Prior history of mental trauma
- Substance abuse
- A professional or personal crisis like the loss of a job or loss of a loved one
- Family history of suicide or mental disorder
- Exam pressure
People who commit suicide might not always look depressed. They might be happiest in the room, yet have the urge to end their lives. Symptoms of anyone intending to put an end to the ailment they feel but cannot express can be found in careful observations of their unconscious behavior and what they repeatedly speak about. World Suicide Prevention Day 2022 in current year. For example:
- Talking about killing themselves
- Talking about being hopeless or feeling empty
- Talking about being a burden to others
- Speaking to others as if bidding goodbye
- Performing life-risking tasks under the tag of adventure
- Sudden extreme substance abuse
- Buying firearms under the garb of protection
Who is at more risk?
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, women are at more risk of attempting suicide than men. Although there is a difference in attempts and death by suicide, women are using more lethal methods to end their lives which were traditionally approached by men. Despite the change in scale of deaths and attempts based on gender, age, race, and other factors, we cannot turn a blind eye to the lingering danger. World Suicide Prevention Day 2022.
Prevention through Intervention
Around the world, every year, on the 10th of September, mental healthcare professionals urge people to seek help. They encourage people to identify any signs or symptoms of self-harm among their known. To this day, every year, globally, psychiatrists and psychologists invite people to apprehend their inner demon, which intends to put an end to their lives, by talking about it. World Suicide Prevention Day 2022.
World Suicide Prevention Day (WSPD), is organized by International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP), which is endorsed by WHO. This year WHO, under the theme of ‘Creating hope through action’ addressed the need for collective action against suicide. The objective of such programs under WHO emphasize the fact that people are not alone and can and should talk to anyone they find, be it a family member, friend, or professional.
The world is a less lonely place because of the promise of help and we should join hands to provide it to anyone in need. Early or timely intervention, can save a lot of lives. Dealing with any mental health issue should not be a stigma for society. World Suicide Prevention Day 2022.
Several associations and NGOs provide such interventions with the help of certified psychiatrists, counselors, and therapists. One just needs to reach out and find the help within our reach. India is not far behind in assisting in better mental health and healthy life. In India, Suicide Prevention India Foundation (SPIF) was one of the first organizations dedicated to preventing suicide. Along came organizations like Sangath, Hank Nunn Institue (HNI), Aasara, Sneha Suicide Prevention Centre, etc. which now work for the citizens’ betterment. World Suicide Prevention Day 2022.
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