It’s possibly the most extraordinary scientific mystery of or century – whether the Covid-19 virus responsible for global hysteria originated in a ‘wet market’ in Wuhan or can be traced back to dangerous Chinese military research at a scientific institute. Recent reports by media outlets reveal that the deadly SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for the Covid-19 global pandemic was deliberately engineered as a ‘bioweapon’ by the People’s Republic of China.
Revelations from the Covid-19 Report:
In an interview conducted by Chinese-born human rights activist and author Jennifer Zeng, researcher Chao Shao at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) revealed that they had been tasked with identifying the most efficacious strain of Covid-19 for spreading among various species including human beings. A member of the International Press Association, Jennifer’s interview has provided first-hand information and unique insights into the Chinese government and the Chinese Communist Party.
He recounted another incident involving a fellow researcher Shan Chao who had been provided with four strains of Covid-19 by a superior to test and determine which of them had the greatest potential to infect multiple species including people.

He also mentioned that several of his colleagues were sent to hotels accommodating athletes during the 2019 Military World Games held in Wuhan under the pretense of ‘checking the health or hygiene conditions’. He presumes they were involved in spreading Covid-19 since checking hygiene conditions does not require virologists.
In a similar situation, he had been sent to Xinjiang in April 2020 to assess the health of Uyghur individuals held in re-education camps, insinuating that he was either instructed to spread the virus or discern the consequences it would have on humans as a virologist’s expertise was unnecessary for health checks.
Some Aspects are Still Cloudy:
However, Chao Shao cautioned that the information presented is only a fraction of the entire puzzle. Most agencies assess that SARS-CoV-2 was not laboratory adapted and some are unable to reach a certain conclusion. Even the recent findings of the intelligence report by the US government were unable to confirm whether the pandemic resulted from a lab leak or the virus jumped from an infected animal.
The report has only acknowledged the investigation conducted at the lab, including animal sampling and genetic analysis. We still have no direct evidence that the WIV’s pre-pandemic research had any indication of SARS-CoV-2 or that a specific research-related incident occurred that involved WIV personnel that could have caused the pandemic.

Although Beijing has never admitted to developing any such weapons, in the past, China had produced biological weapons that included weaponized Richtin and causative agents for anthrax, cholera, plague, etc.
Doing this directly violates the Biological Weapons Convention of 1972, which declares that bioweapons’ development, stockpiling, and production is a war crime. Historically, some of the deadliest pandemics in the past have come from China, such as the Black Death which was to blame for the loss of 200 million lives in Africa, Asia, and Europe.
Practice Caution:
The true origin of the Covid-19 pandemic which claimed millions of lives worldwide, remains a subject of ongoing investigations. Nonetheless, we must be vigilant if terrorists have access to such weapons, bioterrorism might break out, killing many people, wiping out other living things, and wreaking havoc on the environment.

Countries may come to view it as a risk worth taking in a world where existing disarmament accords are disintegrating, great power competition is increasing, and hybrid threats from cyberwarfare to information warfare offer the plausible deniability some governments crave. Possibly, the only silver lining of the pandemic has been that it has revealed the deep cracks in our system which we must proactively fill and ensure nothing so deadly has to ever be encountered by the human race again.