Former senior American diplomat Nikki Haley said on September 1, 2021, that it is time to regain power with the help of international allies as it is inevitable that China will make its next move.
Bagram Air Force: China
The U.S. had been controlling, the Bagram air force of Afghanistan for nearly two decades. But at the beginning of July 2021, the U.S. hands control of Bagram Airfield to Afghan National Security Forces.
Sixty kilometers north of Kabul served as the center of the U.S. to fight to remove Taliban forces.
After that, Afghanistan was able to remove foreign troops from their country and gained control over Bagram.
Taliban spokesman, Zabihullah Mujahid, welcomed the reported announcement of the U.S. in July, “We think this is a positive step towards Afghanistan.
Now we can find closure, stability, and peace with full withdrawal of foreign troops,” he told VOA. He added that the withdrawal was so beneficial for both the U.S. and Afghans.
Although it wasn’t wholly a good decision because, as it appears, the Chinese recently tried to take control over Bagram Airfield as per sources.
Fox News on September 1
America’s former envoy to the United States, Nikki Haley, told Fox News on Wednesday that it is the right time to resecure and reconnect with friend countries and allies of the U.S. around the world like Japan, India and Australia, Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan and assure them that they have U.S.’s back and in return U.S. needs their help too.
Nikki Haley, the former senior diplomat, also thinks that the Chinese already has started moving to Afghanistan and giving Pakistan the strength and ability to move against India.
She said all of these just after news of the Taliban’s prime office leader Anas Haqqani reclaiming his power over Afghanistan started floating in the air.
“We have to generate Anti-terrorist efforts across the globe; we need to make sure of it”, Nikki Haley added, “Protection is the key in this fight.
Forensic management like cybersecurity should become much more potent because Russia can use this situation, and no matter what, they won’t stop hacking. The U.S. has to observe every move of china “, Haley apprehended.
Nikki said that “It wasn’t a good idea to remove our troops from Afghanistan”. She disapproved of the sudden catastrophic decision of U.S. president Joe Biden.
“The most important to do right now is to strengthen our allies, strengthen the relationships between countries and maintain those with proper methods. He should modernize our military system. We have to be ready for the cyber-crimes and the terrorist crimes that are coming our way, and our President Biden needs to make sure of it,” she said in response to a question.
President Biden:
“President Biden lost all of his trust of all military families and members already in the U.S.’s military system,” She said, knowing that she is also part of the military system of the U.S.
“There is no confidence left for our allies who are now negotiating with others without even informing us because they don’t know why we are doing what we’re doing”, she said.
In this situation, they have got nothing else to do because they have no one to tell them what to do next.
“We are now going to see with this victory that the jihadists have, U.S. should spend time and money for campaigns”, she added.
Jihadists celebrate in the streets because America is losing towns and leaving billions of dollars and housewarming gifts.
Nothing is more embarrassing, and humiliating than the U.S.’s problem; the world is more definitely a dangerous place.
Just because we are out of Afghanistan does not mean this war is over, Haley said.