Author: Neha Khandelwal
Augmented Reality is an all-new idea of the virtual world that will exist in the coming generations which will change the whole outlook of the human experience. It’s a vision to create a creative world where people can meet, greet and socialize across the globe at the same time at the same moment. Video Games In video games, the players will be able to interact with each other and engage in different activities in the virtual world or exactly what it can be termed “METAVERSE”. They will be creating their own version or avatar through which they could be able…
President Joe Biden signed an executive order that banned American companies from investing in many of Chinese companies. These private companies are alleged to have ties with the defense, surveillance, and other technology sectors. They make up five of the eight NYSE-listed, national, state-owned enterprises (SOE) for which China has resisted sharing auditing review data with the US Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB). The first proportion of delisted Chinese companies includes 47 firms along with Huawei Technologies. In the second tranche, 12 tech companies including Shenzhen-based consumer drone maker DJI Technology are added to a list of banned firms.…
Robie Colstrone who played the role of ‘Hagrid’ in Harry Potter died at the age of 72, yesterday in a hospital in Scotland. Robie Colstrone was a Scottish actor who was famous for his half-giant look in Harry Potter who often hit punchlines that brought laughter and smiles among the viewers. Harry Potter is a movie series adapted from J. K. Rowling’s famous fantasy novel series “Harry Potter”. Soon after his death was confirmed by his agent, Belinda Wright, the internet was outpouring with tributes to the actor. Daniel Radcliffe aka Harry Potter and Emma Watson aka Hermione were among…
In his proposal for the Dartmouth Conference in the summer of 1956, John McCarthy coined the term “artificial intelligence”. He is known as “The Father of Artificial Intelligence”. McCarthy was an American computer scientist. In 1969, the first AI robot was built named Shakey.
“It’s been an honor working with the wonderful folks at Marvel. We were able to put together a killer cast and crew. Eager to see where the next director takes the film.”.
International Monetary Fund (IMF) forecasts inflation in the upcoming year hitting the world economy which will degrade the overall economy. The pandemic attacks, Russia-Ukraine War, cost of living crisis and economic downturns are likely to affect the global economy.
The “global economy” refers to the interconnected worldwide economic activities that take place between multiple countries. Technological advancement and digitalization have been adopted expeditiously in India, with more than 20 fintech startups. The digital infrastructure has led many ideas to flourish with the rapid and successful growth of unicorn companies with the sole motive of easing the lives of people. Fintech Opening New Career Opportunities There are many career options, and they are still growing. Financial services combined with technology have reshaped the total concept of business, creating new opportunities for income and investment. Some of the major business ideas of fintech…
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