Replying to a question about the Tek Fog app, which is an app that manipulates fake news by alleged infiltration of social media algorithms on their respective platforms, the minister informed the house that the government has established a fact check unit and had already addressed 30,000 queries. He added that the unit was also tasked with verifying viral fake news. He also said that the government was serious about freedom of speech and freedom of expression. The Tek Fog app came under controversy recently for being used to disseminate beneficial viewpoints through misinformation and managed a massive database of Indian citizens used for targeted online harassment.
Regarding print media and fake news through newspapers, L. Murugan said the Press Council of India (PCI) is an autonomous statutory body set up under the Press Council Act, 1978, and has framed an ethical code for journalists to adhere to.
“Journalists have to follow ethics code. Wherever they have not followed the ethics code under the Press Council Act Section 14, action has to be initiated. In more than 150 cases, we took action against them,” he said.
The PCI has specific rules preventing print media from publishing and disseminating fake news, and under section 14 of the Press Council Act, the body has the power to take action against any journalist or media publication that violates this code.

For digital platforms, the government has notified the Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2021 on February 25, 2021, under the Information Technology Act, 2000 which provides a Code of Ethics for digital news publishers and digital media journalists.
According to an official statement, the ministry on January 21st ordered the blocking of 35 YouTube-based news channels and two websites found to be involved in spreading fake news and misinformation against the country in a coordinated process over digital media. Last December, 20 YouTube channels and two websites were also banned.
In a written reply, the Minister of Information and Broadcasting Anurag Thakur stated that the government has statutory and institutional mechanisms in place to combat fake news. A “Fact Check Unit” has been set up under the Press Information Bureau of the Ministry in November 2019, which takes jurisdiction of fake news both Suo moto and through queries sent in by citizens on its website or through e-mail and WhatsApp.
“The unit responds to relevant queries with correct information when the same pertains to Central Government or forwards them to States/UTs in other cases. The Unit also maintains a Twitter account @PIBFactcheck and posts cases of fake news, being busted, on the same on regular basis. PIB Fact Check Unit has so far responded to 30,533 actionable queries,” he said.
Edited By- Subbuthai Padma
Published By- Bharat Anand