The Chinese defense minister accuses the USA of “poking in the affairs of our region” with the details, and ” flexing the muscles by transferring warships and warplanes on a rampage in the South China Sea” and trying to “hijack” support in Asia.

The Chinese defense minister accuses the USA of trying to “hijack” support in ‘Asia-Pacific countries’ to make them go against Beijing. They are trying to gain their own interests by using the disguise of multilateralism.
China’s Defense Minister, Gen. Wei Fenghe, took a swing at the U.S. Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, denying his defaming accusation the day before at the Shangri-La Dialogue that China was causing instability with its claim to the self-governing island of Taiwan and China’s increasing military activities in that area without consent.
Austin has explosively suggested the need of the hour to have a multinational cooperation with the countries in the area of the Indo- Pacific region, which Wei interpreted as an attempt to reign back China.
“No country should put its will on others or bully others under the guise of multilateralism,” he said. “The strategy is an attempt to make an exclusive small group in the name of a free and open Indo- Pacific to commander countries in our region and target one specific country — it is a strategy to produce conflict and battle to contain and encircle others.”
The issue of power play and dominance
China is swiftly modernizing its military resources and seeking to expand its influence and ambitions in the region. Many are fearing that the recent signing of a security agreement with the Solomon Islands that many are fearing this could lead to the building of a large Chinese naval base in the Pacific, they broke ground this past week on a naval port expansion project in Cambodia that could provide Beijing with a foothold in the Gulf region of Thailand.
Last year, U.S. officials accused China of testing a hypersonic missile, a weapon which makes it harder for missile defense systems to counter, but China insisted it was a “routine test of a spacecraft.”
While answering a question about that test on Sunday, Wei came the closest so far to admitting it was indeed a hypersonic bullet, saying” As for hypersonic munitions, numerous countries are developing munitions and I suppose it’s no surprise that China is doing so.”
“China will develop its service, “he said.” I suppose it’s natural.”
Secretary of State Antony Blinken last month said that China represented the “most serious long-term challenge to the transnational order” for the United States, with its illegal claims to Taiwan and constant sweats to try and dominate the strategic South China Sea for its own particular earnings.
The US and its abettors having the so-called freedom of navigation in the south China Sea and the Taiwan Strait have numerous times faced drive tails from the Chinese service.
Wei has criminated the U.S of “poking in the affairs of our region” with details, and “flexing the muscles by transferring warships and warplanes on a rage in the South China Sea.”
The Taiwan Issue
Taiwan and China had been resolved during a civil war in 1949, but China still claims Taiwan as its own home, and has not stopped the use of military force to take it back into its direct contact, while maintaining it as a domestic political issue of China.
The US follows the One China policy but still maintains an informal relationship and defense ties with Taiwan.
It provides arms and security to Taiwan and follows a “strategic nebulosity” approach to how far it would go to defend Taiwan in the event of a Chinese eruption. But still, at the same time, it doesn’t support Taiwanese independence.
The constant reverse and forth disharmony of China and USA is a part of a long power play and a means to assert dominance on each other. Both countries try to gain control in the Asia- Pacific region for their own interests. While China claims it to be its region, the US tries its position to gain support and control for itself.