Healthline reports that “Copper toxicity, which manifests as nausea, vomiting, abdominal discomfort, and diarrhoea, may result from prolonged exposure to large levels of it.

Many people follow the devout Indian custom of keeping water in copper containers or drinking it from cop cups. But how much of this tradition is actually true? Is it genuinely helpful, or is it just a phenomenon? According to Healthline, copper is a crucial nutrient that is necessary for many vital bodily processes, including the creation of energy and the chemical communication system in your brain. Foods like shellfish, almonds, seeds, potatoes, dark chocolate, and organ meat all contain large quantities of it.
In addition to having an antimicrobial impact, it also enhances heart and brain function. Water can be disinfected by filling cop cups or jars with water and letting them sit for more than 48 hours.
“Copper aids in improving digestion and prevents against acidity and constipation. Additionally anti-inflammatory, it increases immunity. Drinking water from a copper container, which is alkaline, also helps to chill the body, according to nutritionist Jinal Patel.
Nutritionist Garima Goyal comments on what Ayurveda advises regarding drinking from a cop container and agrees with the health advantages of doing so. The three bodily doshas—Vata, Pitha, and Kapha—are said to be cured by drinking water from a cop kettle, according to ancient Ayurvedic writings, by positively energizing the water. The process of eating and digesting the food causes the body to produce heat and discharge toxins. Alkaline water with copper additives cools the body while balancing its acidity. Therefore, I recommend it, especially in the sweltering summers, she says.
She also discusses how drinking cop-activated water is most beneficial. The expert says that in order to obtain the full health benefits, early in the morning on an empty stomach would be preferable. But it’s important to keep in mind that the body only needs tiny amounts of cop. Thus, one must never consume too much of it because doing so could result in copper toxicity.
In general, there aren’t any risks or hazards to be concerned about if you just use cop containers for drinking water. Of course, this needs to be paired with premium cop vessels that are safe for use with food and are purchased from reliable vendors. A similar statement may be found on Healthline: “Long-term exposure to excessive copper dosages may result in copper poisoning, which is characterised by nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, and diarrhoea. Even liver and renal damage could result from it.

When you use too much copper in Water
The primary issues with drinking water from Copper vessels have to do with toxicity, which can happen when there is too much copper in the water. Although this is a legitimate worry, utilising copper vessels properly usually won’t have this effect because it is a metal with excellent durability and low reactivity. Unfortunately, this does not eliminate the risk associated with drinking from it. One ought to be careful to utilise the cop vessel just to store drinking water if it isn’t coated. Furthermore, you should only buy cop vessels that promise to be made of food-grade copper that is 100 percent pure and constructed to the best standard.
Drinking from cop vessels can be dangerous for a number of reasons, such as ingesting too much if it due largely to a combination with acidic substances or using vessels that were poorly made and contain impure compounds that could interact with the water. The World Health Organization (WHO) advises against consuming more copper than 0.47 mg per cup (2 mg per litre) of water. Everything must ultimately be done with caution. Do not exceed the limit and don’t put too much reliance on one thing to improve your health.