School routine for students who do self-study
It is that sweet time of year when it is sweet and all you want to do is eat sweets and sleep. But the major festivals are over now. The things which we are supposed to do won’t stop. Therefore, we need to get back to our work and give proper time for studying and should not forget to enjoy ourselves too. So here is my plan for students. Who always starts procrastinating like me?
When we come back to school we always feel tired. And always snack on everything which we get in the house. And as the weather is getting chilly we often want to just watch Netflix and chill, but certainly, if we start doing that we would start becoming couch potatoes and we all know what happens when we don’t do our work. “But the weather doesn’t want me to do anything” that is the thing I used to tell myself earlier. But now after following these steps even I am able to do my work, participate in competitions and am able to do double work, and be more productive. I have written an article about time management earlier which you can go and read from this site only. Getting to productivity.
Take rest – Firstly, as I mentioned earlier- we often get exhausted by school and feel tired after coming back. So we should always take breaks and if you want to eat some healthy energy snack, like granola or oats or fruits, that’s if you had eaten something filling for lunch. And you should always relax for 1 hour where you can relax by reading, taking nap, or I personally always go to my phone and check my emails or watch some videos on YouTube.
· Get started– you should always start when you have rested your mind, and start working with something that doesn’t require a lot of energy. Like starting with the written H.W. I always start writing articles. And for better concentration, I start playing my favorite playlist. So get done with thaw written work first and foremost.
· Start the actual part – it means to start with the real studying as that is foremost important. I put this after H.W. because there should be an increase in motivation and concentration which you would get after accomplishing the task. You can start doing self-study- like making notes or reading and understanding or practicing maths.
· Continuing the work till 6 or 7 – as we talk about this season it starts getting dark from 6 pm only. You can take a break at any time and go out for playing or waking or just listen to music. Sometimes this evening time gets most hectic I mostly put on some favorite songs and start doing research for competitions. You can even read any book.
· Dinner – I have always believed in the legacy of doing dinner early max. till 8 pm. You should always pack your bag and dress for the next day after eating dinner.
· Getting back- after doing dinner and home chores you can start getting back to work or studying. I personally prefer studying 2-3 hours more after that and getting early to bed for early days. Readers always remember some people are night owls if you are the one so you can study till late. But I prefer studying in the morning. So you can change your night routine according to your preferences.
– Study by taking small breaks in between. Studies have proved that the people taking small breaks between their study sessions, tends to understand and show better and more effective results.
– Try to do the things which are more effective for you. Some students understand a thing in 1 min and some take their sweet time for understanding the same topics. So, know yourself and try to go by that method.-
Be constant in the work, the utmost importance is to follow the same routine at least 5 days a week. And start seeing the difference. Try to take this as a challenge to readers. And comment after one week on how many of you were successful in following this routine.