Dying to know your fortune: Here’s your soothsayer entering to unravel the destiny of February 2024. The shortest month is the driving force to focus on your higher goals.
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Image Source; Hindustan Times
2024 is all about enjoying the short-lived month of the year with a sweet and savory sky. Aquarius Season is ever calmer yet a driving force to stir positive change and focus on the bigger goals. Fixed air sign has the sun hovering over them, which is the key to turning the world into a better place to be in.
What are the changes in Fortune that might be seen after the retrogrades?

On February 5, the Full Moon in Leo adorns the sky, bringing it to a culmination point that we constructed in the New Moon phase. Automatically it is the best time for you to channel the balance between your self-expression and your rational self. They say Full Moon is a great time to release. Take some time from your schedule and maintain the balance. All the planets are invited to move on their direct path until April 2024 escaping the havoc constructed by the retrograde.
This is a move to improve our lifestyle and get going goals. Finally! We are receiving three months of unadulterated planetary energy. What are you waiting for? Go grab the offer and sign on the dotted line. Commitments should be the only flattering word in your dictionary now. One has to take advantage of the sweet and savory and let it be free to reach its highest potential.
Aquarius season conquers us just to be true to ourselves. This season let’s play the game, to be honest with ourselves. Ignore the people who undermine you. Support the people who appreciate your freaky side and love you unconditionally.
With the Sun forming a square to Uranus on February 3, you should watch out for energies that may motivate you to make unnecessary changes. Channel your inner calm Aquarius side and look objectively to define what are the factors that need fresh strokes of paint.
to think of the restricted creativity or your friendships. One recommends burning the things that are creating an obstacle in his path to a happy existence. Leave the trash and create something new.
Are you excited to know about your Valentine’s fortune?

We should take a look at the planet of love —Venus. February being the month of Valentine’s Day, an exalted sign of Pisces, the planet of love encourages us to embrace our most romantic selves. On 15th February, Venus conjuncts Neptune heightening the compassion and bringing out the softest side of oneself. This shifts on February 20, just when Venus changes to the sign of Aries. Be ready to take risks in your love life and fuel it with passion and courage. Venus in Aries brings in fiery energy to be daring in love.
Pisces season drives into our lives on February 18, the season of sensibility and spirituality. Listen to your inner conscience and feel free to dream. Permit yourself to heal and follow your sixth sense. The New Moon in Pisces ushers in opportunities for your creative, spiritual, and emotional goals. The watery period is the best time to accept the flaws and begin a creative project and surrender to acts that rejuvenate you.
How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac’s Fortune?
Aries :

Craving for intimacy and heartfelt connection, the horoscope says that the fortune of Aries revolves around love. Love will evermore be passionate and intimate for Aries.
With Venus favoring the powerful Pluto right around Valentine’s Day, one should expect sparks and intensity in love. If one is already in a relationship one can probe into the unexplored side of their relationship. If one is single then this is the perfect time to be obsessed with your new beau. Now is not the time for superficial bonds and one should not think about the outcome but enjoy the thrilling side of love.
On February 4, Venus and Mars together may bring some challenges in love but one can improve their love life by working with this energy. On February 20, Venus takes the spotlight attracting people to charm and delight them. Look and adorn in a way to see the perfect among the crowd. Embrace this opportunity and explore love in the truest sense.

Taurus will invite discoveries and explore new ideas. Uranus has planted the seed of a new perspective and a wonderful opportunity to take personal risks. Spontaneity will be your best friend.
Forming a square with Uranus, Venus will bring on challenges by driving the ability to free yourself to sustain your personal relationship. If one is single then one can expect to find someone of a different background than oneself.

Dream big! The motto of the twins is to step forward and the best time to manifest and leave an immortal mark on the world. Mars- the planet of action demands to take charge of your life. Venus along with Mars will increase the desire to do something. Mercury- the ruling planet rushes into gaining a new perspective. The optimism of Jupiter combined with the flexibility of Mars will now be a show-stopper to pave the way towards your goals.
Cancer :

Journey to spiritual metamorphosis and self-discovery that will have one looking beyond the new horizon. Saturn will be cautious whereas Venus will spend this month with the expectation to pave a new life. Pluto will give power to Venus on February 19, asking one to mirror your relationships.
Leo :

Attention! Attention! Attention! Lions expect love to take unexpected twists and turns. Jupiter will sail the 9th house of travel. Venus sends love all the way to dazzle your charisma.
Saturn challenges one to take more responsibility in relationships. Saturn with Venus will be the way to find flaws and move on in your relationship. Uranus has taken up the 10th house of public reputation and career, discovering new talents and meeting some new weird people.
Virgo :

Now is the time to throw away all cautiousness and take over the wheel. Accomplish your goals and drive the world. Mars to shop on the 10th house of career- ambition will be your top priority. It is time when Mercury- the clever house will enter into the challenging aspect of optimism and work will be your utmost priority.
Uranus will bring uncertainty to one’s affair. Venus will be dancing through the 7th house of partnerships and this is the best time to make your relationship memorable.
Libra :

The Aquarius season to put one through the creative burst of energy this month. Venus will form a tense aspect to Mars creating the opportunity to eliminate old ways that are no longer of use. Right on Valentine’s Day, Venus will dance with Neptune to heighten your senses and enhance your special connection with someone. Saturn which is an influence to the fifth house thrives one to break down their fear and discover their potential.
Scorpio :

Self-discovery and self-improvement are the roots of Scorpio. Jupiter moving through your sixth house of work, one should be ready to improve the work situation. Jupiter is the time to grow the sense of purpose. Pluto intensifies the bond and connects with someone on a deep level. Saturn will build the foundation for you and will help you to grow on different levels of life.
Sagittarius :

A Sagittarius horoscope throws the light that keeps every person warm and tender with care. Charming Venus hovering over the 4th house, will definitely raise the energy peak right around Valentine’s Day when Neptune and Pluto grant greater capacity in love with no strings attached.
On February 19th, Pluto will smile on Venus, giving one permission to understand the relationships. Jupiter-the ruling planet will send a messenger Mercury as of February 17. You will find it easy to make new friends and travel plans will expand your group.
Capricorn :

Saturn will be the ruling planet- the headline is hard work and patience as of February 16. Take on some new responsibilities and get recognized for that. Listen and work accordingly. Mars in your sixth house of work will make it difficult for you to work constructively. On February 4, Mars and Venus will work to experiment and put innovation into your work. This process will help you discover new parts of yourself.
Aquarius :

Time to paint pictures of your newest emerging ideas and ways to lead a good life. Venus sitting in the second house of luxury will stabilize the wealth and finances. Uranus shining on Venus is a way to bring in new opportunities and expand the wallet. On February 19, Venus and Pluto- planets of power and intimacy- will create an honest experience of true intimacy. Pluto in your 12th house of the subconscious, get ready to learn about your hidden features of yourself. Dynamic Mars in the fifth house of creation will fuel passion and inspiration. Channel the energy into something creative and fun.
Pisces :

The birthday season is almost here and will bring creative and productive content into your life. Jupiter will enhance the wealth of the second house of values and will increase the finances. Valentine’s Day will merge Venus and Neptune enabling one to focus on their artistic pursuit: With the sun in your first house, you will be the spotlight to shine. Stand up with pride, you are one hell of a creative persona.
All the lovelies of the seasons should take advantage to reach their highest potential.