Indian American Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy has said that US policy fails to recognize Taiwan as a nation. The U.S. adopts the posture of “strategic ambiguity” on whether or not they will defend Taiwan against Chinese invasion.
According to Vivek Ramaswamy’s statement on Sunday, the U.S. needs to make China doesn’t take exclusive control of the world’s semiconductor supply chain is crucial for the U.S. national security interest. He made the following statement amidst the growing tension with China on the Taiwan Issue.
Thus, he has proposed that the US should abandon its existing position of “strategic ambiguity” and adopt one of “strategic clarity,” pledging to vehemently defend Taiwan against Chinese annexation until the US achieves semiconductor independence, at which point the US should return to its previous position.
The Taiwan Issue;
Beijing sees Taiwan as its breakaway province and insists on unifying it with the mainland, by force if necessary. On the other hand, Taiwan sees itself as completely distinct from China and as a sovereign nation.
Growing U.S – China Tension:

The Biden Administration, last week, approved a military transfer of USD 80 million to Taiwan under the Foreign Military Financing (FMF). It is a program typically used for sovereign states. A state-run media in China responded by claiming that the US had crossed a line with “lethal consequences.”
According to the Vivek campaign, the US now adheres to the “One China” Policy, which does not recognize Taiwan as a separate country and has a stance of “strategic ambiguity” over whether the US will support Taiwan from an attack.
The potential of a major confrontation between the US and China increases as a result, the campaign claimed, and is heightened in the near term given that Taiwan is a key supplier of cutting-edge semiconductors to the US economy and modern way of life.
While the US strengthens its own military and economic alliances with India, Japan, and South Korea and fortifies our own homeland defense capabilities, including but not limited to a nuclear missile, super-EMP, and cyber defenses, Taiwan can increase its own military spending to a more sensible four to five of GDP, according to Ramaswamy.
This is how we can avert a third world war while halting Chinese aggression and advancing crucial long-term US interests. The Republican nominee for president declared, “I am the only US Presidential candidate in either political party who has provided a clear vision for how to attain this goal.
U.S. Presidential Elections:
A super political action committee connected to Republican presidential contender and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis reportedly told his funders in private that they were behind all of the recent attacks on Ramaswamy, his primary opponent.
You have read about him in everything. According to an article in the Politico newspaper, “Every mistake, every 360 he’s undertaking, or 180 he’s going through in life, is from our inspection and pressure.
“And so, he’s not going to go through that very well, and that will get worse for him,” Jeff Roe, the executive director of the DeSantis-aligned Never Back Down, said to the donors in attendance.
The quotations come from an audio recording that Politico obtained from Roe’s speech to DeSantis’ donors immediately before the Republican presidential primary debate last month.
The DeSantis campaign has come under fire from the Ramaswamy campaign for this.