According to National Ovarian Cancer Coalition reports that 1 in 78 women will be diagnosed with ovarian cancer in their lifetime. Unfortunately, 4 out of 5 people with this cancer are not diagnosed in the primary stages because signs of ovarian cancer are tough to catch.

Over the last few decades, Cancer has skyrocketed, especially because of the first lifestyle, processed foods, stress, etc. The only solution to get away from cancer is early detection. The first essential step towards getting a diagnosis is to watch out for early symptoms which are easy to miss. depending on where the cancer is located, patients tend to sense its symptoms. According to researchers, there is a particular form of cancer that shows signs only while eating meals-and it is not liver or stomach or pancreatic cancer, the answer is ovarian cancer.If ovarian cancer is detected early, before it spreads beyond the ovaries, the chances of survival are very high.
What are mealtime symptoms of ovarian cancer?
Ovarian cancer, according to experts from the Harvard Medical School, shows its signs only after it progresses to an advanced stage. And talk of the mealtimes, some signs might appear while eating – and it is loss of appetite or inability to finish the meal.
Why is ovarian cancer hard to detect?
In its early stages, ovarian cancer may not show any notable signs. When symptoms do appear, it is often hard to detect because they can mimic the symptoms of other common conditions. like irritable bowel syndrome and urinary tract infections. For many people, this means that their ovarian cancer is not detected until it reaches its final stage. This, ultimately, can lower the chances of survival for this type of cancer.
So, what are the silent signs of ovarian cancer?
Let’s take a closer look at what’s known about often-neglected symptoms.
12. menstrual changes, bleeding heavily or miss period
11. Unknown fatigue
10. Unusual bloated feeling
9. pelvic or abdominal pain

8. abdominal pain
7. irritable bowel syndrome, especially after it starts after 50
6. pain in the lower back or side
5. unexplained weight loss
4. Feeling bloated even after small meals
3. Changes in bowel habits, may feel a burning sensation during urination
2. Unusual pain during sex
1. swelling in the stomach, feels like pregnant
Though these signs are not proof of cancer, still it is important to be sincere about its severity and duration. If you feel any of these signs appear more than 12 times in a month especially after turning 50, check with a doctor.
How to detect ovarian cancer
You have to go through several tests by your doctor to search for a tumor in your ovaries and examine it to determine whether it is benign or malignant (cancerous).
1, a pelvic exam-your doctor will check your abdomen and pelvis to check the shape and size of your ovaries and uterus.
2. Transvaginal ultrasound-your doctor will insert an instrument into your vagina which uses sound waves to create a photo of the inside of your ovaries, fallopian tubes, and uterus.
3.CA-125 blood test. This blood test detects higher levels of a protein that are sometimes generated by tumors.
4. Biopsy-If a tumor is found, the doctor should take a portion of the tumor tissue. The tissue will be examined to be sure if it is benign or cancerous.
How to treat ovarian cancer
The doctor will schedule treatment depending on the severity and stage of the disease.
1. surgery to remove the cancerous cell from the body or remove the affected ovaries, the womb, or fallopian tubes.
2. Chemotherapy and radiation to kill remaining cancer cells
-Debaki Majilya