Search Results: China (2868)

Taiwan shoots at Chinese drone after president warns of 'strong countermeasures'

On Tuesday, just after President Tsai Ing-wen said that she had instructed Taiwan’s military to take “strong countermeasures” against what…

Japan expands its military capabilities as Chinese and North Korean aggression threatens the stability of the Region.

For 75 years Japan has followed a pacifist constitution avoiding large-scale militarisation. But as the China-Taiwan confrontation brews, it has destabilised the region. Japan is expanding its military capabilities as Taiwan is threatened by a full-scale military invasion by China.

India breaks streak with the UN , votes against Russia - Asiana Times

On Wednesday, August 24, India cast the deciding vote against Russia in a “procedural vote” at the UN security Council on Ukraine. At the time, the 15-member, influential UN body had invited Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to address a meeting via video teleconference.  Since the Russian military intervention started in February, India has never before voted against Russia on the topic of Ukraine.  India has broken a string of abstentions on UN Security Council votes involving Ukraine by casting a vote in favour of a procedural motion that Russia had opposed.In defiance of Moscow’s position, India voted in favour of inviting Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to speak via distant video link on Wednesday along with 12 other Council members. Russia obviously voted against the invitation, and China abstained, but as it was a procedural matter, it did not constitute a veto. New Delhi has so far refrained from voting on Ukraine in the UN Security Council, much to the chagrin of the Western nations led by the United States. Steps were taken by the Western countries Following the aggression, Western countries, particularly the US, sanctioned Russia severely on the economic and other fronts. Russia’s actions towards Ukraine have not received criticism from India.  The Russian and Ukrainian sides have been urged to resume the path of diplomacy and negotiation on numerous occasions, and New Delhi has reaffirmed its support for all diplomatic attempts to put an end to the crisis between the two nations.  India has a two-year non permanent membership in the UNSC that expires in December. Following the aggression, Western countries, especially the US, slapped harsh economic and other sanctions on Russia. India has not denounced Russia for its hostility toward Ukraine. New Delhi has repeatedly urged both the Russian and Ukrainian sides to resume diplomatic relations and dialogue. It has also backed any diplomatic efforts to put an end to the conflict between the two nations. India is a non-permanent member of the UNSC at the moment, serving a two-year term that ends in December.…