Search Results: US President (4606)

Putin Revives the Soviet “Mother Heroine” Title on Monday - Asiana Times

President Vladimir Putin revived this week a Sovietera prize established in 1944 to encourage Russians to grow their families in response to a projected population fall, according to reports.The “Mom Heroine” award, is granted to women who have ten or more children, offering financial incentives as well as social recognition in an effort to promote population growth. The revived prize will provide Russian citizens a onetime payment of 1 million rubles ($16,500) after their tenth child turns one, but only if the other 9 children live. Putin promises a reward of 1 Mn Rubles for bearing 10 kids On June 1, the day before Russia’s Children’s Day holiday, Putin first suggested creating the Mother Heroine title. He claimed that large families were gradually experiencing a revival in Russian society. According to Russian media, Joseph Stalin founded the honorary medal in the Soviet Union and presented it to 400 000 persons. If all nine of their children have survived, the revived prize will provide Russian citizens a one-time reward of 1 million rubles (about R280 000) after their tenth child turns one. To address Russia’s demographic crisis, he has urged “cardinal” actions. Russia’s population has been dropping steadily for years, reaching 145.1 million in early 2022 following a drop of almost 400,000. If nine other children survive, the raised award will provide Russian citizens with a sum of one million rubles ($16,500) once their tenth child turns one. She clarified, “It was about serving the motherland.” The revival of this ideology is “obviously an intensely aware echo of the Stalinist past.”…