- A woman was raped by four men early in the morning, around 4:30 am, with nobody to help her.
- She raised the alarm for help, but nobody could turn up early in the morning and fled the room after doing this heinous crime.
Being a part of this diversified nation where we have different cultures, customs, languages, and religious beliefs feels shameful and makes us think disgraceful that we have not imbibed the correct values and decision-making tactics from our nation’s men.
Living in such a vibrant world full of different happenings now and then, some things that bring us shame and disgrace include these heinous crimes like rape, murder, and a long list of unending crimes that we usually come to hear or read about every second, every minute and every hour.

Talking or even writing about crime makes us shiver with pain and nervousness. It urges in us that one thought which is difficult and shameful to imagine, but one has to as just by taking an oath of safeguarding our nation from all the ill happenings is not going to help, one has to take a firm stand to fight back against all this and to make our country once again a live able place to survive in.
In this place, all females can move in freely without any second thought of fear in their mind, without any hesitation of being harassed by some unknown person who would make them feel uncomfortable to an infinite extent.
All the females we have out there in our nation have full right to a free and safe environment, that kind of an environment that would make them feel safe, happy, powerful, supportive, and enthusiastic to work.
One such story that would give you cold chills is that of a woman in Mumbai being raped by four men early in the morning, around 4:30 am, on her way to her house. Knowing about the case, the police have filed an FIR and have detained two minors involved in this case, though the police officials are still hunting for two more men.
After an investigation with the arrested minors, the police officials knew that the woman was working in a catering company.
While returning home, all the accused slowly and gradually started to misbehave with her and stopped her from seeking any help, as the woman tried to raise the alarm in the room where she was taken, but nobody turned up for service.

After this heinous incident, the women went out to the police station to file a complaint about the four involved, out of which two minors have been detained, and the other two men are still on search by the police.
All these incidents make us feel ashamed and provoke us to ask ourselves one question: Is this nation a liveable place to stay? Where is the future of this nation going? Is this what we have for the future generations of our government to know?.
All these questions make us feel low in motivation and make us question our role towards safeguarding the citizens of our country irrespective of whether a male or a female.
We all must act as a collective unit in protecting our nation from all the ill happenings, beginning with just the first step of protecting and treating all of them we know well and showing our affection towards them by doing a tiny bit from our side.
As the citizens of this nation, we have a duty towards our fellow citizens, and we must follow it to maintain peace, harmony, and unity. This one step would bring in a great revolution in our nation; thus, we all must join our hands to stand for each other and protect each other.
Published By – Vanshu Mehra
Edited By – Subbuthai Padma
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