COVID reinfection for the second time or more in an individual can cause long-term health defects in them proportionally increasing at every incident of the virus as per the research published in Nature Medicine, a review journal.

Corona Virus, COVID 19 which caused the pandemic situation since 2020, the cause has not yet completely subsided across the globe. Different variants of the virus still precipitate and spread among the masses. However, the severity of symptoms depends on the vaccination status and the individual health condition.
Vaccines’ Role in Reinfection
UK’s Covid Infection survey made a study to find the reinfection of covid who are vaccinated. It reveals that the people who had the mild infection the first are more prone to catch the virus the next. Further, the report shows that individuals who had their second or third vaccine doses 90 days or earlier are exposed to re-infection.
Subsequently, it is conceded that the person is more inclined to succumb to COVID variants after 14 to 89 days of the 3rd shot or tend to sicken after the 14 days after the 4th booster vaccination. Thus, many people are better after their third vaccination and protected from re-infection to some extent.
Symptoms In Reinfection of Covid
Symptoms of Covid to differ for each variant and the immune system of the patients. Australian Government and their research team have been prodding into the effects of re-infection of Covid. Unlike diseases such as measles, they will leave the person’s body immune to the viral antigen thus reinfection doesn’t occur or show very mild symptoms.
Covid is a SARS-CoV-2 type of virus that has a changing outer structure of antigens and reoccurs and varied mutants of the virus suppose a challenge for the body’s immune system to fight. This makes the reinfection of the virus health-threatening to human beings even if they don’t show distinct symptoms.

Study to Spot Health Defects
The study by the US research department on their Veterans was conducted on 5 million people who were never infected by Covid as the control group. Also, 440,000 people have been affected once, and about 40,000 victims of covid who have been affected more than 2 times. The demographic of the study group was drawn as elderly male veterans belonging to the western world.
Results of the study and the compared analysis exposed that the veterans who bared reinfection showed more health issues due to hospitalization and organ-specific defects. It is also voiced that for every re-infection people are at high risk of permanent health problems. They include chronic fatigue, compromised respiratory and cardiac systems, poor neurological function, mental health also death.
These symptoms are more obvious in the first month after the re-infection, however, research warns that it is said to remain endlessly.

Beware of Covid
The covid virus is not yet eradicated from the world. It is our responsibility to safeguard ourselves and protect our bodies from lasting health damage. It is time to remind people across the globe that we are not back to normal and we are never gonna be if don’t follow basic safety protocols. So enjoy the spirit of holidays, and year-end with your mask on!