Browsing: government

UN accuses Beijing of violating Uyghur rights - Asiana Times

The United Nations Human Rights Council accused China of serious human rights violations that may amount to “crimes against humanity” in a report that examined China’s persecution of Uyghurs and other primarily Muslim ethnic groups.

BJP leader ย Seema Patra arrested for torturing her house help๏ฟผ - Asiana Times

By Namrata Sarkar | Wednesday 31st Aug , 2022 Seema Patra, the head of the BJP’s Jharkhand branch, has been placed on administrative leave after being charged of torturing, assaulting, and locking up her domestic assistance for eight years. Onย Tuesday,ย theย BJPย suspendedย Seemaย Patra,ย theย headย ofย itsย chapterย inย Jharkhand,ย followingย accusationsย thatย sheย hadย mistreatedย herย housekeeperย forย eightย years. Anย articleย fromย Indiaย Todayย claimsย thatย Sunita,ย aย tribalย woman,ย wasย forcedย toย cleanย theย bathroomย withย herย tongue. Theย victim,ย Sunita,ย wasย allegedlyย beatenย withย aย hotย panย andย ironย rodsย andย madeย toย lickย theย urineย offย theย floor.ย Sunitaย hasย numerousย injuriesย onย herย body.ย  Sunita was unable to stand by herself because she was imprisoned in a chamber without food or drink and had her teeth shattered with an iron rod as well. At the moment, she is receiving care at RIMS in Ranchi.On August 22, Ranchi Police freed the victim from the BJP leader’s residence. Seema Patra, a former Jharkhand-based IAS officer who is also his wife, has not yet been detained. The event has been reported to the National Commission for Women (NCW). Sunita is a resident of a village in Gumla and is of tribal descent. Sheย wasย hiredย toย workย asย aย domesticย helperย inย theย Patras’ย homeย aboutย tenย yearsย ago.ย Later,ย sheย andย theย couple’sย daughterย Vatsalaย Patraย wereย dispatchedย toย Delhi.ย Whenย Vatsalaย wasย transferredย fromย Delhiย toย Ranchi,ย Sunitaย returnedย thereย andย stayedย atย BJP’S Seema’sย residence. If Sunita’s urine unintentionally spilled outside of the room, she had to wipe it up by licking it with her mouth, according to the news agency IANS. …