The thrill of an actual artillery strike was dwindling as the last village’s Ukrainian defenders before the invading Russians crouched for safety in the wrecked remains of a school.

Artillery battles overrun Ukraine’s southern front
The thrill of a precise artillery strike was vanishing as the Ukrainian defenders before the invading Russians of the last village, crouched for safety in the shattered remains of a school. Puffs of smoke showed where the Russians had suffered their recent losses along the flat and Ukraine’s southern front’s almost completely lifeless terrain. A drone skimming somewhere beamed back images above the darkening horizon suggesting that two Russians in one of the artillery strikes had been killed.
To block the grain corridor, Moscow is using ‘false pretext’, said Ukraine.
Moscow was accused of using a “false pretext” to suspend its association in the Black Sea grain corridor on Saturday, by Ukraine’s foreign minister. Dmytro Kuleba wrote on Twitter, “I call on all states to stipulate Russia to put an end to its hunger games and commit again to their obligations”.
Russia suspends taking part in deal on Ukraine grain exports
Russia has suspended involvement in a U.N. brokered deal following attacks on ships in Crimea. to export agricultural produce from Ukrainian ports, the defense ministry said on Saturday.
Russia said that with the help of drones, Ukrainian forces attacked ships from the biggest city in Russian-annexed Crimea, the Black Sea Fleet in Sevastopol, in the morning hours of Saturday.
The ministry said in a statement, “Taking into consideration, the terrorist act done by the Kyiv regime with involvement of British experts against the ships of the Black Sea Fleet and civilian vessels involved in keeping a check on the security of the “grain corridor”, the Russian side suspends taking part in the implementation of agreements from Ukrainian ports on the export of agricultural products”.
Russia’s defense ministry said that British navy personnel last month blew up the Nord Stream gas pipelines, a claim that London said was not true and designed to divert from Russian military failures in Ukraine.
A spokesperson for Britain’s ministry of defense said, “To distract from their terrible handling of the illegal invasion of Ukraine, the Russian Ministry of Defence is adapting to peddling incorrect claims of an epic scale”.

Repelled Ukraine drone attack on Crimea fleet
The Russian army blamed Ukraine for a “massive” drone attack on its Black Sea Fleet in Crimea on Saturday, while Britain impudently rejected Moscow’s claims that its specialists were involved. Sevastopol in Moscow annexed Crimea, which has been targeted in recent months several times, serves as a logistical hub for operations and the headquarters for the fleet in Ukraine. The Russian army is said to have “destroyed” seven maritime ones and nine aerial drones, in an attack on the port Saturday, morning.
Russia’s Defense Ministry said a navy minesweeper got “minor” harm from a drone strike in Crimea on its Black Sea fleet and accused the UK of helping out with the attack, without giving evidence. The ministry said Vessels targeted were implicated in the safe-transit shipping corridor for Ukrainian grain. For renewal, that deal is up in November.
Kyiv’s Klitschko makes an emergency plea for support
Christine Lagarde who’s an European Central Bank President said Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine had unified the Ukrainian people, Europe and NATO, but he “must be driven by evil forces”. The UK said that the removal of the remains of Prince Grigory Potemkin who was an 18th-century military commander from a tomb in Kherson’s cathedral notified by the region’s Kremlin-appointed chief on Russian TV is likely “preempts Russian intent to expedite withdrawal from the area” and is “symbolic”.

Russians said to be clearing hospitals in Ukrainian regions
Russian troops moved a great number of wounded and sick comrades in southern Ukraine’s Kherson region from hospitals, Ukrainian military officials said on Saturday, as their forces brawled to retake a province overrun by attacking soldiers early in the war. The Kremlin installed authorities in the largely Russian-occupied region previously requested civilians to evacuate the region’s capital – the city of Kherson. The Moscow designated authorities in Kherson this week also were reported to have joined tens of thousands of residents who flew away to other Russia-held areas before an expected Ukrainian advance.
Russia said on Saturday, the US is lowering the ‘nuclear threshold’ with the latest bombs in Europe, the hastened deployment of modernized U.S. B61 tactical nuclear weapons would lower the “nuclear threshold” at NATO bases in Europe, and that Russia would take the move into consideration in its military planning.