Educational institutions recommence with new restrictions. According to Haqqani, the Taliban has imposed ample limits; males and females will sit segregated as joint classes are not acceptable in universities.
Females have to cover their whole bodies except the eyes. Only female lecturers are allowed to teach them news reported by TOLO.
- However, The Taliban has pledged to conduct a better government than ever before. They have given the assurance of human rights and the opportunity to continue the study for all.
The hardline Islamists imposed restrictions on female dress, also the length of their classes. Photographs by the Samaj News Agency disclose the new normal for Afghani college studios.

The Taliban’s education authority issued a document on Saturday, before the classes restart, restricted girls to wear an abaya robe and niqab for covering the whole body.
In addition, they imposed restrictions on their seating system as well. Men and women have to maintain separation; at least by a certain, the classes should be divided.
The document also forced that female student to have to take courses by other women only. The education authority said that more female teachers require to the universities soon. Or else, aged men of good character can be there.
Photographs shared by Avicenna University in Kabul and went viral on social media. That shows a grey curtain, putting down the centre of the classroom, where females are wearing long robes and head coverings but their faces visible.
The Taliban also ordered the men and women not to use the same entrances and exits. Female students must take hold in waiting rooms until their male counterparts are leaving the building. Besides, female students must leave five minutes before stop androgynous from mixing.
A journalism professor at Herat University in the western part of the country informed Reuters that he decided to divide his one-hour class into two halves. The first half teaching females and then males.
Both the gender will also not be granted at primary and secondary schools. Although, it was already common throughout Afghanistan.
Universities admission number has enhanced over the last 20 years, especially among the females, who used to study with men and attended seminars of male professors.
The Taliban, set up for their brutal first rule, has pledged to become wide regarding gender equality to human rights. Still, a report came out today about a pregnant policewoman is shot dead.
Many teachers expressed uncertainty over what rules would be attributed under the Taliban, who have yet to form a government more than three weeks after they eclipsed Kabul with barely a shot fired in aggression.
They also promised women not to interrupt in their works but, a given report like Shabnam Dawran, a famous Afghan Journalist, was barred from working at her TV station.
Taliban’s come back to power has frightened some women; they fear losing the rights they fought for in the last twenty years.