It’s the teacher that makes the difference, not the classroom.
~ Michael Morpurgo
Teachers and the education system are really making progress in killing off a better future. Today’s horrific case takes us through the relationship shared between another teacher- student in which the victim’s life is taken away.
It is not just about the teachers adding to it the caste system. Caste as B.R. Ambedkar was a social evil, which was promoting the system of purity and pollution amongst all the people forming a hierarchy.
This hierarchical division somehow shifted power in different castes unequally which led to social disturbance amongst the citizens, their basic rights were taken away.
This social evil is still practised today, Caste is an ascribed status- which is given by birth and no one has the flexibility to change their ascribed status according to the social norms. Because the relevance of our culture and caste was inculcated right from our birth.
Caste is used in every segment of life, no matter what occupation one must do, it is now deeply rooted in our society.
In the education system also the caste system functions especially in the local and government schools, the students and teachers all of them after getting degrees and good qualification still aren’t aware of the harshness these systems provide.
Mixing the two both are dangerous, the right to education is for everyone, the constitution admits that but does the society really follow these rules?
Practice of discrimination is still being practiced in both urban and rural areas, in schools, colleges, during a marriage and honestly, in everyday life.
If the parents who are sending their children to school for education are not taught about the society and the basic rights one has it will create a system of questions to the education system.
Let’s not talk about Students but ‘Are the teacher’s of India really educated to educate Students about society’.
The lack of ethics in an educational setting is what is getting in question. When educators themselves don’t know about equality, limits, norms, ethical values, what they are inculcating in the students is something they are aware of.
The knowledge provider/ teacher and mentor should just shouldn’t have a degree to teach but their values and ethics should reflect that they are the correct one to be someone’s guide.
One such brutal case came to notice where A social science teacher in uttar pradesh was marked in accusation for brutally beating the child who wrote wrong answers on one of his tests. The accused belonged from an upper caste community and the victim as reported was a Dalit.
This case sets an example of how the education system mingles with the caste system and can be so dangerous at times for everyone.
The students and even their parents are deeply dependent on the educational institutions and the teachers, they know what the teacher suggests has a bunch of experience and truth in it.
In the UP case, even the teacher asked for the settlement but is that enough to snatch someone’s life and their opportunities, giving them no reason to trust people in the society.
Even if one welcomes reforms and laws regarding the school, college and all the other educational institutions. Will this stop in day to day life?
No, for inculcating the right knowledge one needs to get rid of the junk that they have stored inside them for such a long time and that is how things will be easy to handle.
Junk, that is stored in the social image of a teacher which promotes being as brutal to the child as one can, allowance of physical and mental abuse if the child is finding difficulties in studies.
Once we teach the teachers about a student and what boundaries their relationship should have shall be very clear and to understand how tender their behaviour should be towards the little kids is something that is very important.