Author: sejaldahiya
Sejal Dahiya is a history major from Lady Shri Ram College For Women. An avid reader, a fiction and non fiction writer, a photographer and a lover of all things history is how she describes herself. Inspired by the likes of Haruki Murakami and Anthony Doerr, she wishes to write a novel one day. At present, she is preparing for civil services. Her forte includes areas such as global news, geopolitics and cultural journalism.
Ukrainian forces have shot down a Chinese weaponised drone over the weekend using AK-47 automatic guns in Donetsk Oblast. The Eastern Ukrainian site of the crash witnessed the destruction of a Chinese-made commercial unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) known as a Mugin-5. A representative from Xiamen, China-based Mugin Ltd acknowledged that the drone in question belonged to the company. With Moscow’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine and Russia, the corporation declared it would no longer sell its products in those countries and opposed the use of its commercial products in warfare. Since the devices may be purchased for as much as $15,000…
Russian President Vladimir Putin claims that Germany’s response to the explosions at the Nord Stream gas pipeline indicates that the country is still “occupied” and unable to act independently years after laying their weapons down at the end of World War II. He has called claims holding the Ukrainians responsible for the explosions that damaged the Nord Stream gas pipelines “sheer nonsense.” and has instead pointed a finger at the United States. Putin made these comments after stories were published in the New York Times, the Washington Post, and German media last week citing unnamed US and other sources as…
A summit between the leaders of South Korea and Japan is scheduled for later this week in Tokyo. Long-standing disagreements over the past have cast a shadow on relations between South Korea and Japan. There hasn’t been a state visit between the two nations since 2011. Prior diplomatic efforts between the two Asian giants and U.S. allies had stalled due to unresolved difficulties stemming from Japan’s 35-year colonisation of the Korean Peninsula, preventing them from cooperating on shared security concerns over China and North Korea. On the first day of his two-day state visit to Japan, South Korean President Yoon…
For months, Russian forces have been engaged in a stalemated campaign to seize the eastern Ukrainian city of Bakhmut. Heavy casualties have been reported on both sides as the battle for the city continues. More than 1,100 Russian soldiers have been killed in the past few days, according to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, and many more have been gravely injured. Russia claimed responsibility for the deaths of over 220 Ukrainian servicemen in the past day. Despite its lack of strategic importance, the city has become a symbol for Russian commanders who have been unable to bring good news to the…
Syria has claimed that three troops were injured in Israeli airstrikes on Sunday morning, which hit targets in the country’s central and western regions. Tel Aviv has launched hundreds of attacks against its northern neighbour Syria since the civil war broke out in 2011. Their primary targets have been government troops, allied Iran-backed forces, and Hezbollah members from Lebanon. According to media reports, which cited an unnamed military source, an Israeli airstrike occurred “at around 7:15 am,” with missiles being fired from the direction of north Lebanon toward targets in the Tartus and Hama countryside. The report stated that three…
Inflation hit a record high of 31.5% in February in Pakistan, as the economic crisis gets worse by the day. With food and transportation expenses driving inflation to record highs, analysts warn “people will have to make choices and sacrifices,”. February’s price increases were the quickest on record for Pakistan. The monetary policy committee (MPC) will convene to discuss the effects of the current high inflation rate. In all likelihood, the committee will vote to increase interest rates. The South Asian nation has risen to the ranks of the world’s 17 most expensive places to live and is rapidly approaching…
On Thursday, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz criticised the Chinese government for toning down its condemnation of the Kremlin’s actions and urged Beijing not to arm Russia in its war against Ukraine. In a speech to the German lower house of parliament on Thursday, Scholz expressed his disappointment that China had backed out of what he called “a strong denunciation of the Russian attack” agreed upon by leaders at the G20 summit in Bali last year. My message to Beijing is crystal clear: exert your influence on Moscow to urge the withdrawal of Russian soldiers, Scholz added. The chancellor expressed his…
Regardless of his earlier apologies and meetings with LGBTQ individuals, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has been criticised for appearing to backtrack by saying that the country’s prohibition on same-sex marriage is not discriminatory. To a large extent, the opposition to same-sex marriage legalisation and other LGBTQ equality legislation comes from Kishida’s governing Liberal Democratic Party, which is known for its conservative family values and reluctance to promote gender equality and sexual variety. When Pressed by an opposition politician at Tuesday’s parliamentary budget committee and asked if Kishida thinks a same-sex marriage ban constitutes discrimination, he answered- “I don’t think…
In a horrific turn of events, it has been reported by multiple Iranian schools that their children have been fed “unknown” substances, causing them to suddenly become unconscious. In the holy city of Qom, a hotbed of Shia theologians and pilgrims, students at the Noor Yazdanshahr Conservatory fell ill in November and December. Allegedly, someone has been poisoning schoolgirls. A string of subsequent incidents involved children who complained of fatigue, inactivity, and other symptoms. There were reports of citrus, chlorine, and cleaning product aromas. The cases were not initially connected by authorities. Nighttime lows in Iran typically fall below subzero…
It appears that the IMF’s lifeline to Pakistan has become an albatross around the neck of the struggling and nearly bankrupt nation. The people of the country are being pushed to the edge by the Shehbaz Sharif government, which is trying to comply with IMF requirements to release a $1.1 billion bailout package. Pakistan is fighting tooth and nail for an IMF loan. The Pakistani government has implemented several measures, such as tax increases, subsidy cuts, and artificial currency rate controls, to qualify for IMF financing. The most recent development involves the Shehbaz Sharif–led government’s agreement to increase interest rates…
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