In the Disney+ series “Call It Love,” Shim Woo Joo, played by (Lee Sung Kyung), a lady pursuing retribution even though it doesn’t completely fit her nature, falls in love with Han Dong Jin, the miserable object of her wrath (played by Kim Young Kwang).
The performers posed for photographs while holding various cameras because the pictorial’s topic was about preserving romantic memories.
Then Lee Sung Kyung recounted a sweet tale about Kim Young Kwang with cameras, saying, “In actuality, while ‘Call It Love’ filming, Young Kwang frequently shot photographs for the employees. The Polaroid camera he used was also the same as the one in use today. As a result, I was able to recall certain recollections from that period, which made today’s filming much more enjoyable for me.
Kim Young Kwang said after hearing this, “I accomplished a lot of work as an actor, but after some time passed, those memories became naturally lost and I thought it was such a pity. I started shooting photographs to document my time with these individuals so I could look back on them.
South Korean Entertainment Industry
Both actors are quite famous in the South Korean entertainment industry.
Lee Sung Kyung discussed their drama and called it “a drama with vacant gaps.” The distance between Dong Jin and Woo Joo, the pauses in the discussion, or the void in the area around the characters might all be considered as “blank spaces,” she continued. I believe the drama did a good job of conveying the director’s desire for the audience to feel all the emotions fully through those pauses and gaps.
Lee Sung Kyung and Kim Young Kwang’s grim faces, which fans had never before seen, were particularly well-captured in the drama, and both performers spoke about their dramatic changes.
He paid attention to Dong Jin’s appearance, actions, and even stare, said Kim Young Kwang. He only ever sports a few different suits, two different pairs of shoes, and the same T-shirt. He also drastically reduced my weight for that part.
“I was quite passionate (to portray Woo Joo) since she was the quietest, darkest character I’ve ever played,” said Lee Sung Kyung. She was glad that she was able to play Woo Joo. While I usually walk with very straight shoulders and a simple gait, Originally, she has a very straight posture, but drooping shoulders and unsophisticated walking posture are more fitting for Woo Joo.
My entire body was in pain the entire time the video was being shot because of my horrible posture. I also made an effort to retain Woo Joo’s monotone voice and mannerisms.
Call it Love – a Fascinating Show to Watch
Now that “Call It Love” is in the second half, both actors discussed major plot developments. “I think it’d be nice to focus on the nonverbal emotion of Dong Jin and Woo Joo,” Kim Young Kwang stated. Their inner feelings are revealed at those moments when they share looks or brush past one another, which will be on par with other kinds of communication.
I believe it will be fascinating to watch how Woo Joo and Dong Jin express themselves and look at one other differently. As a last comment, Lee Sung Kyung said, “Woo Joo’s vocal tone also fluctuates depending on her emotions. Hence pay more attention to minute details in the series.
Lee Sung Kyung who previously played a role of a PR team leader who is responsible for the actors in the series “Sh**ting Stars”. She had also participated in series such as ‘Weight lifting fairy Kim Bok Joo’, ‘Cheese In The Trap’, etc.
Look Forward to their new and exciting drama “CALL IT LOVE” which aired on 22nd Feb 2024. You can watch it on Disney+.