Around 47 people are said to have been killed by Pakistani planes in Afghanistan’s Khost province.

On Saturday, the Pakistani military attacked Afghanistan’s Khost and Kunar provinces. The death toll has risen to 47 people, including women and children. Recently, the Taliban has issued a strict warning against Pakistan, saying that it should not test the patience of Afghans.
The spokesperson for the Taliban, Zabihullah Mujahid, said, “Pakistan should not test the patience of the people of Afghanistan or else remain ready for the aftermath.”
Furthermore, Mujahid added that diplomatic negotiations are continuing between both nations. Moreover, this can create a disturbance in the relations between the two countries, which is in the favour of no one. Mujahid has clearly stated that repetition of any such act will lead to dire consequences.
He also added that Afghanistan has portrayed their ability to defend their nation against the US occupation. And if Pakistan tries to disrupt their relations with Afghanistan, they will face huge consequences.
Afghanistan must stop sheltering perpetrators: Pakistan
Pakistan has not confirmed any attacks on Afghan soil. The Pakistan embassy in Kabul has clearly denied any attack on Khost and Kunar. Pakistan, on the other hand, is playing the victim card in the situation. Pakistani officials state that Afghanistan is sheltering terrorists.
There has been a consistent rise in cases of Afghanis entering Pakistani territories and attacking security personnel. Days after the attack on seven Pakistani soldiers, Pakistan attacked the Afghanistan provinces through airstrikes.
Has a change in administration altered Pakistan’s attitude towards the Taliban?
When the Taliban took control of Afghanistan, Pakistan’s former PM Imran Khan congratulated the new regime. He said that the Taliban had broken the shackles of slavery by overthrowing the foreign regime. Imran Khan’s government had good relations with the Taliban regime.
However, after the dismissal of Imran Khan’s government, Pakistan is alleging Afghanistan of sheltering terrorists. Further, within a few days, Pakistan launched airstrikes on Afghanistan. However, none of the Pakistani officials have taken responsibility for the attack.
Afghani officials confirm that the planes that attacked civilian houses in the areas were Pakistani aircraft. As a result, this gives a hazy picture of the relations between Pakistan’s new Prime Minister, Shehbaz Sharif, and the Taliban government.
Published By – Chirag Agrawal
Edited By – Nehal Sharma