The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs, chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, has approved disposal of Chana (Pulses) to States/UTs at discounted rate to be utilised for varied Welfare themes from the stock of pulses procured underneath subsidy Scheme (PSS) & value Stabilization Fund (PSF), and improvement of ceiling on amount of procural underneath PSS from existing 25% to 40% in respect of Tur, Urad & Masur.

The disposal of chana under price
Under this approved theme, the States/UTs Government are offered to 15 lakh MT of pulses at the discount of Rs. 8 per kilo over Issue value of the sourcing State on initial return initial serve basis. The States/UTs to utilize these pulses in their varied Welfare Schemes/Programmes like Mid-Day Meal, Public Distribution System, Integrated kid Development Programmes (ICDP) etc. in their States/UTs. this may be one-time dispensation for an amount of 12 months or until complete disposal of 15 lakh MT stock of Chana whichever is earlier. the govt can pay Rs. 1200 large integer for implementation of this theme.
The decisions can modify the States/UTs to use pulses in varied Welfare Schemes like PDS, Mid-Day Meal Schemes etc. besides creating accessible area of warehouses, which can be needed in returning Rabi season for accommodating recent stocks procured underneath subsidy theme which is able to facilitate in obtaining remunerative value of pulses to the farmers besides, encourage a lot of farmers to grow such pulses by creating higher investment and facilitate them in taking remunerative value for his or her turn out. Moreover, this conjointly helps in achieving independence of such pulses in our country.
In recent times the country has witnessed Associate in Nursing all time high production of pulses (Pulses) particularly throughout the last 3 years. Government of Bharat underneath subsidy theme has created record procural of pulses throughout Rabi 2019-20, 2020-21 & 2021-22. because of this, 30.55 lakh MT of pulses is out there with the govt underneath PSS & terrorist organization within the returning Rabi season conjointly, the assembly of Chana is anticipated to be sensible. This plus increase in Minimum Support value for Chana throughout 22-23 can entail extra procural underneath subsidy theme