Recently we have seen many people taking multivitamins as a trend and many take it even though they do not have any deficiencies. Why is there such a trend?
Having a healthy and fit lifestyle in this fast paced life is becoming difficult day by day. Due to the pressure of achieving deadlines we forget to or don’t have the time to have proper meals and most of the time opt for faster alternatives like take-outs and dining out. The food which we partake in both of these settings is usually unhealthy for us without proper nutrients. This has become a routine lifestyle of late. This trend is being seen in kids also.

To make up for the nutritional deficiencies generated by such lifestyle it has become a trend to eat multivitamins. It is considered trendy and fancy to gulp down multivitamins daily. Many parents are letting their kids also take these multivitamins which can be detrimental to their health. It is being seen as a status symbol to partake in these multivitamin drugs.
Many experts have labeled taking multivitamins without a prescription or recommendation dangerous. This is due to the detrimental side effects associated with the toxicity of these vitamins. This fact is not known to many when they partake in multivitamins.
Effects seen with multivitamin toxicity
There are two categories of multivitamins which are categorized on the basis of whether they are water soluble or fat soluble. The multivitamins which are water soluble are vitamin B complex and vitamin C whereas fat soluble vitamins are vitamin K ,E, D and A.
The toxicity is usually seen with fat soluble vitamins as they are stored in the body whereas toxicity is rare with water soluble vitamins as they are flushed out of the body through the kidneys. Hence, we can say that it is relatively safe to consume vitamin B complex and vitamin C.
But, very high doses of water soluble vitamins can be detrimental like with very high doses of vitamin B3 (niacin) there is a risk of liver damage and very high doses of vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) may cause nerve damage.
Toxicity associated with fat soluble vitamins is more common as compared to water soluble vitamins, this is especially seen after the covid 19 pandemic. During the pandemic, there was a new trend in motion of taking vitamin D tablets. Many people suffered from its toxicity as they did not know the proper procedure of taking the medicine.
Toxicity of vitamin D can lead to increase in calcium levels in the blood causing its deposition in arteries or kidneys causing kidney or bladder stones. This can lead to permanent organ damage. There are chances of irregular heart beat also, whereas toxicity of vitamin A can lead to increase in intracranial pressure which may ultimately lead to death.

These side effects start initially as normal symptoms like headache and nausea which we will not be able to differentiate from our daily symptoms and we may overlook them. This is one of the main reasons that multivitamin supplements should be taken under the guidance of our physicians, especially for older individuals and younger children.
Consume Multivitamins Naturally.
Many health experts recommend taking the natural form of multivitamins when you only have a minor deficiency in your body. The natural forms of multivitamins which we get from our food are more easily absorbed by our body. It is recommended to sunbathe to get vitamin D naturally, as our skin is capable of making vitamin D when the sunlight falls directly on it.

Excessive intake of food rich in a particular vitamin may also be detrimental but it is very very rare. Always take suggestions from your physician or dietician about the proper supplements and the proper diet for your condition. People with chronic conditions such as diabetes and hypertension should take supplements after the consultation with their treating doctor only.