We have heard the bible mentioning “Every moment of your life is a second chance.” and how “We can’t run out of second chances…only time.” It’s everywhere in news about the Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy posted a video on the internet this early Tuesday addressing directly the troops of Russia on Ukrainian soil.
“For the benefit of the Ukrainian public, I allow you an opportunity,” he said in an interpretation of his location shared by his office. “On the off chance that you give up to our powers, we will treat you how individuals should be dealt with – as individuals, appropriately.”
In his location, Zelenskyy said Russia had proactively lost 90 warplanes and that Russian soldiers “didn’t anticipate such obstruction.”
“They trusted in their purposeful publicity, which has been lying about us for quite a long time,” he said.
Zelenskyy’s call for giving up was not whenever the Ukraine government first made such a proposition to Russian soldiers. Fourteen days prior, Ukraine Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov offered Russian fighters’ money and absolution assuming that they gave up.
In a location Saturday, Zelenskyy said a large number of Russian warriors had either been caught or had given up. This month, the Pentagon said some Russian soldiers had given up, yet it didn’t say the number of had done as such.

In a location followed through on Saturday, Zelenskyy said a large number of Russian troopers had either been caught or had given up. This month, the Pentagon said some Russian soldiers had given up, yet it didn’t say the number of had done as such.
Zelenskyy additionally said he was thankful for Russians who kept on quarrelling Russian disinformation over the conflict, singling out an in on a live lady broadcast of a Russian state-run news show on Monday evening, holding up a sign that said, “They’re deceiving you here.”
The lady, Marina Ovsyannikova, worked for Channel 1, the channel of the transmission she raged. She was subsequently confined and was being held at a little police headquarters, as per OVD-Info, a dissident gathering that upholds Russians kept for dissenting.
“To the people who are not hesitant to dissent: As lengthy as your nation has not shut itself off from the entire world, transforming into an exceptionally huge North Korea, you should battle,” Zelenskyy said. “You should not lose your opportunity.”
Published By: JAINAM SHETH